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About Us

Imogen from Chingu Korean

Hi! I'm Shaymae

My Korean Language journey started just before the nightmare days that were covid lockdown. Like most people I was put on furlough and bored out of my brain, there are only so many trips to Tescos one can take.

So what did I do? I binge watch  Netflix and fell down the rabbit hole that is K-dramas, ergo began my obsession with the Korean language, My obsession with BTS came not long after that!

So join me for all the ups and downs (more ups than downs I hope) of learning a new language at 30+. 
It's never too late to find a new path in life, so let us see where this takes us. 



Hi! I'm Imogen

I started learning Korean (officially) in January 2022 after moving to London and developing a *slightly* unhealthy obsession with BTS, if you know... you know! 


As a Physicist by education, I absolutely love the puzzle-solving aspect of learning a new language in a new alphabet, even though it makes me want to cry sometimes. Nothing is more satisfying than when you correctly remember the meaning of a word, or the structure of a specific piece of grammar and you are reminded that your mind is, in fact, brilliant!


I cannot wait to share my journey to Korean fluency (fingers crossed) with you all, and I hope that you find something useful among all the nonsense that I'm sure to write. 

Happy studying, 


Shaymae from Chingu Korean
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